Source code for fluids.saltation

"""Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
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This module contains correlations for calculating the saltation velocity of
entrained particles.

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.. contents:: :local:

.. autofunction :: Rizk
.. autofunction :: Matsumoto_1974
.. autofunction :: Matsumoto_1975
.. autofunction :: Matsumoto_1977
.. autofunction :: Schade
.. autofunction :: Weber_saltation
.. autofunction :: Geldart_Ling


from math import sqrt

from fluids.constants import g, pi

__all__ = ['Rizk', 'Matsumoto_1974', 'Matsumoto_1975', 'Matsumoto_1977',
'Schade', 'Weber_saltation', 'Geldart_Ling']

[docs]def Rizk(mp, dp, rhog, D): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_ as described in [2]_ and many others. .. math:: \mu=\left(\frac{1}{10^{1440d_p+1.96}}\right)\left(Fr_s\right)^{1100d_p+2.5} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] dp : float Particle diameter, [m] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearranged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally. Examples -------- Example is from [3]_. >>> Rizk(mp=0.25, dp=100E-6, rhog=1.2, D=.078) 9.8833092829357 References ---------- .. [1] Rizk, F. "Pneumatic conveying at optimal operation conditions and a solution of Bath's equation." Proceedings of Pneumotransport 3, paper D4. BHRA Fluid Engineering, Cranfield, England (1973) .. [2] Klinzing, G. E., F. Rizk, R. Marcus, and L. S. Leung. Pneumatic Conveying of Solids: A Theoretical and Practical Approach. Springer, 2013. .. [3] Rhodes, Martin J. Introduction to Particle Technology. Wiley, 2013. ''' alpha = 1440.0*dp + 1.96 beta = 1100.0*dp + 2.5 term1 = 0.1**alpha Frs_sorta = 1.0/sqrt(g*D) expression1 = term1*Frs_sorta**beta expression2 = mp/rhog/(pi/4*D*D) return (expression2/expression1)**(1./(1. + beta))
[docs]def Matsumoto_1974(mp, rhop, dp, rhog, D, Vterminal=1): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_. Also described in [2]_. .. math:: \mu = 0.448 \left(\frac{\rho_p}{\rho_f}\right)^{0.50}\left(\frac{Fr_p} {10}\right)^{-1.75}\left(\frac{Fr_s}{10}\right)^{3} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: Fr_p = \frac{V_{terminal}}{\sqrt{gd_p}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] rhop : float Particle density, [kg/m^3] dp : float Particle diameter, [m] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] Vterminal : float Terminal velocity of particle settling in gas, [m/s] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearranged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally. Result looks high, something may be wrong. For particles > 0.3 mm. Examples -------- >>> Matsumoto_1974(mp=1., rhop=1000., dp=1E-3, rhog=1.2, D=0.1, Vterminal=5.24) 19.583617317317895 References ---------- .. [1] Matsumoto, Shigeru, Michio Kara, Shozaburo Saito, and Siro Maeda. "Minimum Transport Velocity for Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying." Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 7, no. 6 (1974): 425-30. doi:10.1252/jcej.7.425. .. [2] Jones, Peter J., and L. S. Leung. "A Comparison of Correlations for Saltation Velocity in Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 17, no. 4 (October 1, 1978): 571-75. doi:10.1021/i260068a031 ''' A = pi/4*D**2 Frp = Vterminal/sqrt(g*dp) Frs_sorta = 1./sqrt(g*D) expression1 = 0.448*sqrt(rhop/rhog)*(Frp/10.)**-1.75*(Frs_sorta/10.)**3 expression2 = mp/rhog/A return (expression2/expression1)**(1/4.)
[docs]def Matsumoto_1975(mp, rhop, dp, rhog, D, Vterminal=1): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_. Also described in [2]_. .. math:: \mu = 1.11 \left(\frac{\rho_p}{\rho_f}\right)^{0.55}\left(\frac{Fr_p} {10}\right)^{-2.3}\left(\frac{Fr_s}{10}\right)^{3} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: Fr_p = \frac{V_{terminal}}{\sqrt{gd_p}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] rhop : float Particle density, [kg/m^3] dp : float Particle diameter, [m] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] Vterminal : float Terminal velocity of particle settling in gas, [m/s] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearranged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally. Result looks high, something may be wrong. For particles > 0.3 mm. Examples -------- >>> Matsumoto_1975(mp=1., rhop=1000., dp=1E-3, rhog=1.2, D=0.1, Vterminal=5.24) 18.04523091703009 References ---------- .. [1] Matsumoto, Shigeru, Shundo Harada, Shozaburo Saito, and Siro Maeda. "Saltation Velocity for Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying." Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 8, no. 4 (1975): 331-33. doi:10.1252/jcej.8.331. .. [2] Jones, Peter J., and L. S. Leung. "A Comparison of Correlations for Saltation Velocity in Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 17, no. 4 (October 1, 1978): 571-75. doi:10.1021/i260068a031 ''' A = pi/4*D**2 Frp = Vterminal/sqrt(g*dp) Frs_sorta = 1./sqrt(g*D) expression1 = 1.11*(rhop/rhog)**0.55*(Frp/10.)**-2.3*(Frs_sorta/10.)**3 expression2 = mp/rhog/A return (expression2/expression1)**(1/4.)
[docs]def Matsumoto_1977(mp, rhop, dp, rhog, D, Vterminal=1): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_ and reproduced in [2]_, [3]_, and [4]_. First equation is used if third equation yields d* higher than dp. Otherwise, use equation 2. .. math:: \mu = 5560\left(\frac{d_p}{D}\right)^{1.43}\left(\frac{Fr_s}{10}\right)^4 .. math:: \mu = 0.373 \left(\frac{\rho_p}{\rho_f}\right)^{1.06}\left(\frac{Fr_p} {10}\right)^{-3.7}\left(\frac{Fr_s}{10}\right)^{3.61} .. math:: \frac{d_p^*}{D} = 1.39\left(\frac{\rho_p}{\rho_f}\right)^{-0.74} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: Fr_p = \frac{V_{terminal}}{\sqrt{gd_p}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] rhop : float Particle density, [kg/m^3] dp : float Particle diameter, [m] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] Vterminal : float Terminal velocity of particle settling in gas, [m/s] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearanged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally.r Examples -------- Example is only a self-test. Course routine, terminal velocity input is from example in [2]. >>> Matsumoto_1977(mp=1., rhop=1000., dp=1E-3, rhog=1.2, D=0.1, Vterminal=5.24) 16.64284834446686 References ---------- .. [1] Matsumoto, Shigeru, Makoto Kikuta, and Siro Maeda. "Effect of Particle Size on the Minimum Transport Velocity for Horizontal Pneumatic Conveying of Solids." Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan 10, no. 4 (1977): 273-79. doi:10.1252/jcej.10.273. .. [2] Klinzing, G. E., F. Rizk, R. Marcus, and L. S. Leung. Pneumatic Conveying of Solids: A Theoretical and Practical Approach. Springer, 2013. .. [3] Gomes, L. M., and A. L. Amarante Mesquita. "On the Prediction of Pickup and Saltation Velocities in Pneumatic Conveying." Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 31, no. 1 (March 2014): 35-46. doi:10.1590/S0104-66322014000100005 .. [4] Rabinovich, Evgeny, and Haim Kalman. "Threshold Velocities of Particle-Fluid Flows in Horizontal Pipes and Ducts: Literature Review." Reviews in Chemical Engineering 27, no. 5-6 (January 1, 2011). doi:10.1515/REVCE.2011.011. ''' limit = 1.39*D*(rhop/rhog)**-0.74 A = pi/4*D**2 if limit < dp: # Coarse routine Frp = Vterminal/sqrt(g*dp) Frs_sorta = 1./sqrt(g*D) expression1 = 0.373*(rhop/rhog)**1.06*(Frp/10.)**-3.7*(Frs_sorta/10.)**3.61 expression2 = mp/rhog/A return (expression2/expression1)**(1/4.61) else: Frs_sorta = 1./sqrt(g*D) expression1 = 5560*(dp/D)**1.43*(Frs_sorta/10.)**4 expression2 = mp/rhog/A return (expression2/expression1)**(0.2)
[docs]def Schade(mp, rhop, dp, rhog, D): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_ as described in [2]_, [3]_, [4]_, and [5]_. .. math:: Fr_s = \mu^{0.11}\left(\frac{D}{d_p}\right)^{0.025}\left(\frac{\rho_p} {\rho_f}\right)^{0.34} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] rhop : float Particle density, [kg/m^3] dp : float Particle diameter, [m] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearranged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally. Examples -------- >>> Schade(mp=1., rhop=1000., dp=1E-3, rhog=1.2, D=0.1) 13.697415809497912 References ---------- .. [1] Schade, B., Zum Ubergang Sprung-Strahnen-forderung bei der Horizontalen Pneumatischen Feststoffordrung. Dissertation, University of Karlsruche (1987) .. [2] Rabinovich, Evgeny, and Haim Kalman. "Threshold Velocities of Particle-Fluid Flows in Horizontal Pipes and Ducts: Literature Review." Reviews in Chemical Engineering 27, no. 5-6 (January 1, 2011). doi:10.1515/REVCE.2011.011. .. [3] Setia, G., S. S. Mallick, R. Pan, and P. W. Wypych. "Modeling Minimum Transport Boundary for Fluidized Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems." Powder Technology 277 (June 2015): 244-51. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2015.02.050. .. [4] Bansal, A., S. S. Mallick, and P. W. Wypych. "Investigating Straight-Pipe Pneumatic Conveying Characteristics for Fluidized Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying." Particulate Science and Technology 31, no. 4 (July 4, 2013): 348-56. doi:10.1080/02726351.2012.732677. .. [5] Gomes, L. M., and A. L. Amarante Mesquita. "On the Prediction of Pickup and Saltation Velocities in Pneumatic Conveying." Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 31, no. 1 (March 2014): 35-46. doi:10.1590/S0104-66322014000100005 ''' B = (D/dp)**0.025*(rhop/rhog)**0.34 A = sqrt(g*D) C = mp/(rhog*pi/4*D**2) return (C**0.11*B*A)**(1/1.11)
[docs]def Weber_saltation(mp, rhop, dp, rhog, D, Vterminal=4): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_ as described in [2]_, [3]_, [4]_, and [5]_. If Vterminal is under 3 m/s, use equation 1; otherwise, equation 2. .. math:: Fr_s = \left(7 + \frac{8}{3}V_{terminal}\right)\mu^{0.25} \left(\frac{d_p}{D}\right)^{0.1} .. math:: Fr_s = 15\mu^{0.25}\left(\frac{d_p}{D}\right)^{0.1} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] rhop : float Particle density, [kg/m^3] dp : float Particle diameter, [m] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] Vterminal : float Terminal velocity of particle settling in gas, [m/s] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearranged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally. Examples -------- Examples are only a self-test. >>> Weber_saltation(mp=1, rhop=1000., dp=1E-3, rhog=1.2, D=0.1, Vterminal=4) 15.227445436331474 References ---------- .. [1] Weber, M. 1981. Principles of hydraulic and pneumatic conveying in pipes. Bulk Solids Handling 1: 57-63. .. [2] Rabinovich, Evgeny, and Haim Kalman. "Threshold Velocities of Particle-Fluid Flows in Horizontal Pipes and Ducts: Literature Review." Reviews in Chemical Engineering 27, no. 5-6 (January 1, 2011). doi:10.1515/REVCE.2011.011. .. [3] Setia, G., S. S. Mallick, R. Pan, and P. W. Wypych. "Modeling Minimum Transport Boundary for Fluidized Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems." Powder Technology 277 (June 2015): 244-51. doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2015.02.050. .. [4] Bansal, A., S. S. Mallick, and P. W. Wypych. "Investigating Straight-Pipe Pneumatic Conveying Characteristics for Fluidized Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying." Particulate Science and Technology 31, no. 4 (July 4, 2013): 348-56. doi:10.1080/02726351.2012.732677. .. [5] Gomes, L. M., and A. L. Amarante Mesquita. "On the Prediction of Pickup and Saltation Velocities in Pneumatic Conveying." Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 31, no. 1 (March 2014): 35-46. doi:10.1590/S0104-66322014000100005 ''' if Vterminal <= 3: term1 = (7 + 8/3.*Vterminal)*(dp/D)**0.1 else: term1 = 15.*(dp/D)**0.1 term2 = 1./sqrt(g*D) term3 = mp/rhog/(pi/4*D**2) return (term1/term2*sqrt(sqrt(term3)))**(1/1.25)
[docs]def Geldart_Ling(mp, rhog, D, mug): r'''Calculates saltation velocity of the gas for pneumatic conveying, according to [1]_ as described in [2]_ and [3]_. if Gs/D < 47000, use equation 1, otherwise use equation 2. .. math:: V_{salt} = 1.5G_s^{0.465}D^{-0.01} \mu^{0.055}\rho_f^{-0.42} .. math:: V_{salt} = 8.7G_s^{0.302}D^{0.153} \mu^{0.055}\rho_f^{-0.42} .. math:: Fr_s = 15\mu^{0.25}\left(\frac{d_p}{D}\right)^{0.1} .. math:: Fr_s = \frac{V_{salt}}{\sqrt{gD}} .. math:: \mu = \frac{m_p}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^2V \rho_f} .. math:: G_s = \frac{m_p}{A} Parameters ---------- mp : float Solid mass flow rate, [kg/s] rhog : float Gas density, [kg/m^3] D : float Diameter of pipe, [m] mug : float Gas viscosity, [Pa*s] Returns ------- V : float Saltation velocity of gas, [m/s] Notes ----- Model is rearranged to be explicit in terms of saltation velocity internally. Examples -------- >>> Geldart_Ling(1., 1.2, 0.1, 2E-5) 7.467495862402707 References ---------- .. [1] Weber, M. 1981. Principles of hydraulic and pneumatic conveying in pipes. Bulk Solids Handling 1: 57-63. .. [2] Rabinovich, Evgeny, and Haim Kalman. "Threshold Velocities of Particle-Fluid Flows in Horizontal Pipes and Ducts: Literature Review." Reviews in Chemical Engineering 27, no. 5-6 (January 1, 2011). doi:10.1515/REVCE.2011.011. .. [3] Gomes, L. M., and A. L. Amarante Mesquita. "On the Prediction of Pickup and Saltation Velocities in Pneumatic Conveying." Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 31, no. 1 (March 2014): 35-46. doi:10.1590/S0104-66322014000100005 ''' Gs = mp/(0.25*pi*D*D) if Gs/D <= 47000.0: return 1.5*Gs**0.465*D**-0.01*mug**0.055*rhog**-0.42 else: return 8.7*Gs**0.302*D**0.153*mug**0.055*rhog**-0.42